Video Art

What Christmas is all about

For my Video Art Final I pointed out how commercialized our society is during the holiday season. The video is a bit heavy handed with the commercialism flashes every couple of seconds. At the time I was creating this video I truly liked the heavy handedness and how in your face it is about the holidays. Since I've been looking back at how the work compares to other video art pieces, I'm looking to go back on this concept and create a similar video that isn't that heavy handed by not including the word commercialism anywhere in the video and also leaving out the breaking pieces with the advertisements.

Homework Disruption

This video was made in collaboration with Kevin Cruz. Kevin mainly directed the video. I did a majority of the editing. We both worked together to get found footage clips. The purpose for this video was to point out how our minds may wander when we are doing work. It also serves as a disruption video since every scene quickly cuts to the next, disrupting the flow between each individual scene.

Let's Cut Class

This Video was part of a project where I was assigned to retell a story told by another classmate through an animation. I ended up creating my own little movie set for this video. The main characters were drawn by me. All of the moving characters were placed on toothpicks so it was easier to move them around. I also wanted to make it obvious that these were two dimensional characters in a two dimensional world.

Changes in VR Technology

Part of my computers and culture final. Looking at diffferent videos and newscasts surrounding VR technology over the years.

Holiday Video Contest Entries

My entry for the first holiday video contest. I wanted to capture the build up of opening a Christmas present.

My entry for the second holiday video contest. I wanted to see what life would be like if we celebrated the holidays in reverse.